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You can change your WORLD!!!
Good Morning Family, I want you to know that Faith is a Spiritual Force that the elders of the Bible used to obtain good...

You will LAUGH again!!
Beloved, there is a Miracle in your Storm. God will cause you to have the last and best laugh. Regardless of the severity and harshness...

Let No Man take Your Joy From You!!!
John 16:22- “ And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy let no man take from...

Good Morning Family, I want you to know that the Victories you have seen in the past will be nothing compared to what God is about to do...

Good Morning & Happy New Year Family, 2019 is the year that God has given to us to seize and posses, and we shall go for it & dispossess...
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