Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
The Abiding Word Ministries has a vibrant children’s ministry. Our passion is to see kids grow up with a godly perspective towards life. We cater for all areas of their lives so that they can grow into responsible young people. Children are gifts from God and our heritage from Him, so we have the privileged duty of raising these young ones in the ways of God. We help them choose lifestyles that will always bring honor to Him.
Various tools are used to train these Children, and these include: Bible concept, Bible verse, objectives, Bible stories, theme connections, connecting to Bible truth, words to know, Bible stories are interactive with simple motions includes resources for, circle time with songs, prayer, Bible verse, games, finger play, art center, block center, dramatic play center and science center. So parents are encouraged to send their kids to hang out with their fellow kids and our competent teachers. Our Teachers have so much love for kids and are professionally trained in early childhood education and child-care.
Other activities involved at the Children’s Church include: Drawing, Painting, Christian Films (Cartoons), Drama, Dance, Music and Bible Study. Note that at TAWM we have resources that help children see God's Word as something they truly can read, understand, live and enjoy.
These resources are some of the best and most effective Bible study tools for children. They make such an excellent study for children to work through with their parents - great for family devotions as well as superb personal Bible Study resource for older children.